USB memory stick data recovery involves unsoldering the memory chip from the PCB, placing the chip into a USB stick simulator and reading the data on our data recovery machine. It usually takes about 4 days and costs between 250 and 500 euro. The faulty USB Memory stick will not be reliable going forward. Where will we put the recovered USB data? Will you supply limerickdatarecovery with another good usb stick or will we supply one, put the recovered usb data onto it and have it ready for you to collect. We accept credit cards.
Reading the memory on our limerickdatarecovery usb drive involves reading the 1’s an 0’s in the millions of memory cells. Then with specialised software which is part of the limerickdatarecovery machine recomposes the data into the files which you saved them as. For example it recompiles the excel, the word, the jpg files. This process of usb data recovery consumes great computing power.
LimerickDataRecovery have powerful computers to do the job as quickly as possible.
USB drive recovery is not something you can do without the proper tools and the data recovery equipment and knowhow. Limerickdatarecovery is the only company in the west of Ireland who have this specialised usb data recovery equipment.
USB memory recovery
Our procedure is that Limerickdatarecovery takes a 20 euro diagnostics fee before we start. We analyse the Faulty USB memory stick and after we find out the level of work which we have to do we quote so that you will know how much it is going to cost before we proceed. You have to decide how important it is to you and if you are willing to pay that price to have your data recovered. After you have received the data recovery quotation you can decide to proceed or abort at no extra cost above the 20 euro.
We accept Usb sticks from anywhere in Ireland. They are small and easy to post. We accept payment over the phone from your credit card.